Download here the document about our Social Responsibility
Progetti del Cuore 2021 & 2022 / Projects of the Heart 2021 & 2022
In 2021, in partnership with the Municipality of Sasso Marconi, Marzocchi Pompe has joined, together with many companies and local institutions, the initiative "Projects of the Heart" (, which deals with making possible the services provided by municipalities and voluntary associations to the weakest segments of the population: in particular children, disabled citizens and the elderly.
In 2022, Marzocchi Pompe also participated in the purchase of a third vehicle reserved for the Public Assistance Department to expand this Free Mobility Project in the municipalities of Zola Predosa, Casalecchio di Reno and Sasso Marconi.
A Fair Company
Marzocchi Pompe S.p.A. is aware that in order to satisfy the needs of many old and new Customers, Suppliers and Partners, it must support and promote the creation of wealth and well-being within its local and international community.
Our sense of Responsibility is addressed not only to our employees and their families, but also to public and private institutions in the area, because together we share values, history and traditions, and because together we want to move into the future.
We have always guaranteed equal opportunities for employment and professional growth, the employment of young talents at their first experience and our insertion paths aimed at disadvantaged and differently abled people have guaranteed us in 2011, 2012 and 2014 to receive the important recognition as a Fair Company promoted by A.I.L.eS.
Since a couple of years we have also started the project of "Marzocchi Pompe for...." that, thanks to the collaboration within our company community, supports some projects addressed to disadvantaged people of the territory.